Friday, November 11, 2016


I'm having trouble focusing on any one thing right now. I have seldom been so scattered in my thinking, or frozen in my actions. 

This whole week has been surreal. First the 24 hour period from hell, in which Rachel experienced 1 CP seizure with vomiting, 2 tonic-clonic seizures, and 2 SP seizures. Second, Rach is still sick with a cold, which continues to be a seizure risk. She knows this, so going to bed at night has become very angst-producing for her, requiring lots of support and time to calm down.Third was the election, the results of which didn't come until late in the night, on the third night in a row of poor sleep, and culminating in a surreal Wednesday morning.

It's now Friday, and though I have been able to sleep a little better the past couple of nights, it's still broken by Rachel's coughing, and worry over what's going to happen to her should Obamacare be repealed. Rachel will be 22 in January, just days after Mr. Trump is inaugurated. He and his party now hold my daughter's future in their hands, and I am not happy about it.

I've been talking with my husband about what this means, and he is as sick at heart as I am. The first thing he did was contact his employer's human resources department, in hopes that we might be able to pay out of pocket for ongoing insurance for Rachel. Turns out we can continue with her current plan for 18 months, if we pay the full premium, which would be hundreds of dollars a month.

The most obvious thing would be to sign her up for the state's Medicaid program, but that would mean all new doctors, and the possibility of certain medications not being covered on their formulary. We knew that we'd eventually have to deal with this, but didn't expect it for another 4 years. To be honest, we had hoped that by the time we had to make those decisions, Rachel would be in a better place healthwise and mental healthwise, and would be able work, thereby being covered by an employer health plan.

We are trying to remain optimistic, but it's difficult. I have personally never been this worried about an incoming president. It's not a good place to be.

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